LGBTQ+ Divorce in Austin: All You Need to Know

LGBTQ+ Divorce in Austin: All You Need to Know

Divorce is a difficult experience for anyone, but for LGBTQ+ couples, it can feel even more complex. With the relatively recent legal recognition of same-sex marriage (2015’s Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court case), the landscape of LGBTQ+ divorce is constantly evolving.


This evolution brings both progress and new challenges.  At Kimbrough Legal, PLLC, we understand the unique challenges you face and are here to provide compassionate and informed legal guidance throughout the process.


Understanding Your Specific Concerns

Every divorce is unique, and LGBTQ+ divorce in Austin often involve considerations that heterosexual couples might not. Here are some key areas to be aware of:


Marriage Recognition

The landscape of same-sex marriage recognition has changed significantly over the past few decades. Not all states recognized same-sex marriage from the beginning. If you were married in a state that didn’t allow it at the time, we’ll help you establish the validity of your marriage in your current state of residence. This process can involve providing documentation of your marriage ceremony, such as a marriage license and photos, and potentially navigating court proceedings to have your marriage recognized. 


Helpful Resources for LGBTQ+ Divorce in Austin:

Fair Division of Assets and Debts

Dividing assets and debts acquired during the marriage needs to be fair and equitable. This can include things like your home, vehicles, bank accounts, retirement accounts, and any debts you’ve accumulated together.  Here’s where things can get a bit more complex for LGBTQ+ couples.  We’ll ensure your premarital assets, inherited property from a same-sex partner, or contributions made by each partner are considered during the division process.


For example, if one partner entered the marriage with significant savings or inherited property from a deceased same-sex partner, those assets might be considered separate property. However, if those funds were used to purchase a home jointly during the marriage, the home might be considered marital property subject to division.

Additionally, for couples who have been together for a long time but married for a shorter period due to legal restrictions, we’ll ensure the full scope of your financial partnership is considered when dividing assets and debts.


Spousal Support

Determining eligibility for spousal support (also known as alimony) depends on your specific situation, including the length of your marriage, income disparity between partners, and each partner’s contributions to the household. We’ll help you navigate this aspect, gather evidence to support your case, and advocate for what’s right for you.

For example, if one partner stayed home to raise children or support the other partner’s career advancement, they may be eligible for spousal support to help them re-enter the workforce or adjust to financial independence.


Child Custody and Visitation

If you have children, custody arrangements become paramount.  Whether one partner is a biological parent, adopted the child, or you used assisted reproductive technologies (ART) to conceive, the court will prioritize the child’s best interests when determining custody and visitation. We’ll work with you to create a parenting plan that reflects your child’s needs and considers factors like your living situation, work schedules, and your ability to co-parent effectively. Here are some resources that can be helpful:


Premarital and Postnuptial Agreements

Having a postnuptial aka premarital or postnuptial agreement can be incredibly beneficial in an LGBTQ+ Divorce in Austin.  It can pre-determine how assets and debts will be divided, potentially saving you from complex legal battles during the divorce process in Austin, Texas. 

Premarital agreements in Austin are especially important for couples entering a marriage where one partner has significantly more assets or debt than the other, or for couples who have children from previous relationships. While postnuptial agreements are less common, they can still be a valuable tool if your financial circumstances change significantly after marriage.


We can advise you on the benefits of such agreements and help you draft one that is fair and enforceable in your state.


Kimbrough Legal: Your Ally Through Every Step

At Kimbrough Legal, we go beyond just legal representation. We understand the emotional toll a divorce can take, and we’re committed to providing you with:

Personalized Attention: We take the time to understand your unique situation and tailor our approach to address your specific legal concerns. This includes discussing your goals for the divorce, your concerns about your children, and any specific challenges you might face as an LGBTQ+ couple. We’ll work closely with you to develop a personalized strategy that protects your rights and best interests throughout the process.


Compassionate Support

We recognize the emotional strain of divorce and are here to offer empathetic guidance throughout the process. We understand that navigating the legalities of divorce can feel overwhelming on top of the emotional turmoil. Our team is here to listen to your concerns, answer your questions patiently, and provide support during a difficult time.


Experience in Family Law

Our team has extensive knowledge of family law, including child custody, property division, and spousal support. We stay up-to-date on the latest legal developments specific to LGBTQ+ families, including recent court rulings and changes in state laws. This ensures our advice is accurate and reflects the current legal landscape.


Beyond the Legal Process

The legal aspects are just one piece of navigating LGBTQ+ Divorce in Austin. Here are some additional resources that may be helpful for LGBTQ+ couples:

  • The Trevor Project

A national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ+ youth. Divorce can be especially challenging for children, and this resource can be invaluable for families with LGBTQ+ parents. (

  • Family Equality

An organization dedicated to securing equal rights for LGBTQ+ families. They offer resources on various topics related to LGBTQ+ parenting, including divorce. (

  • LGBTQ+ Support Groups

Connecting with other LGBTQ+ individuals going through divorce can provide valuable emotional support and a sense of community. Many local LGBTQ+ centers offer support groups or can help you find resources in your area.


Moving Forward with Austin Family Lawyer

Divorce is a challenging journey, but with the right legal team by your side, you can navigate it with confidence. At Kimbrough Legal, PLLC, we are committed to guiding you through the legal process with compassion, clarity, and unwavering advocacy.  Here are some additional things to keep in mind as you move forward:


Be Prepared: Gather important documents like marriage certificates, tax returns, bank statements, and investment records. Having these documents readily available will streamline the legal process.

Know Your Options: Explore different options for resolving your divorce, such as mediation or collaborative law. These approaches can be less adversarial and more cost-effective than traditional litigation.

Communicate Effectively: Even if your relationship is ending, communication with your ex-partner is crucial, especially if you have children. Focus on respectful communication and work towards creating a parenting plan that prioritizes your child’s well-being.

Take Care of Yourself: Divorce can take a toll on your mental and emotional health. Prioritize self-care during this time. Connect with loved ones, seek support from a therapist, and engage in activities that help you manage stress and maintain your well-being.

Remember, you are not alone.


The LGBTQ+ community is here to support you, and at Kimbrough Legal, we are dedicated to helping you navigate this challenging experience with compassion, understanding, and unwavering legal expertise.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discuss your specific needs.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about LGBTQ+ Divorce in Austin (for informational purposes only)

Since Texas has its own set of laws regarding divorce, here are some commonly asked questions specific to LGBTQ+ couples in this state:


Is same-sex marriage recognized in Texas?

Yes, Texas recognizes same-sex marriage following the Supreme Court’s ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges (2015). This means all legal aspects of divorce for same-sex couples are treated the same as heterosexual couples.


What happens if I was married in a state that didn’t recognize same-sex marriage at the time?

If you were married in a state that didn’t recognize same-sex marriage but have since moved to Texas, we can help you establish the validity of your marriage in your current state of residence. This might involve providing documentation of your marriage ceremony and potentially navigating court proceedings.

How is property divided in an LGBTQ+ divorce in Texas?

Texas adheres to community property laws. This means all assets and debts acquired during the marriage are considered marital property and subject to division upon divorce.  However, separate property (assets owned by one partner before the marriage or inherited individually) is generally not subject to division.  We can help you identify separate property and ensure a fair and equitable division of marital assets and debts.


What about child custody arrangements for same-sex couples in Texas?

The court’s primary concern is the child’s best interests when determining custody arrangements.  This applies regardless of the parents’ sexual orientation. Biological parents, adoptive parents, and non-biological parents who have established a parent-child relationship through ART or legal means can all be awarded custody or visitation rights.


Can I get spousal support in an LGBTQ+ divorce in Texas?

Spousal maintenance (alimony) is determined based on factors like the length of the marriage, the income disparity between partners, and each partner’s contributions to the household. We can help you gather evidence to support your case and advocate for spousal support if you are eligible.


Note: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. The specific laws and procedures governing LGBTQ+ divorce can vary by state.  For legal guidance on your specific situation, please contact an attorney experienced in Texas family law.


Divorce is a complex process, and navigating it as an LGBTQ+ couple can present unique challenges. However, with the right legal team by your side and a supportive community behind you, you can move forward with confidence. 

At Kimbrough Legal, PLLC, we understand the intricacies of LGBTQ+ divorce in Texas and are committed to providing you with the compassionate and competent legal representation you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discuss your specific needs

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