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There are countless reasons a marriage might ultimately break down. It could involve two people simply growing apart over time, or there might be a specific incident involving cruelty or abandonment. Even if the breakup was contentious, you have the opportunity to keep those details private by pursuing a no-fault divorce.
This process can still be contentious, so it is a good idea to rely on the guidance of an Austin no-fault divorce lawyer. We could provide you with support and answer any questions you have along the way. Instead of handling your case alone, consider discussing your options with a seasoned divorce attorney.
For many years, state law required the party seeking a divorce to provide the court with a compelling reason why. This could include any of the four following reasons:
This often led to both sides pointing the blame at each other for the breakdown of the relationship.
In recent years, the state has adopted a no-fault approach to divorce that is designed to simplify the process and avoid unnecessary conflict. Because it allows two parties to dissolve their marriage without a dispute over who was at fault, this method is typically much faster than a contested case.
Instead of pointing the finger at the other party and blaming them for the breakup, the spouses can simply agree that there are irreconcilable differences that prevent them from ever making up. This acknowledges that the relationship cannot be saved without pointing any fingers over who was at fault. There are still plenty of issues to address other than the grounds for divorce, but an Austin attorney could help navigate the no-fault process.
A no-fault dissolution of marriage does not mean the proceedings in Austin will go uncontested. A lawyer would say that the question of fault only applies to the grounds one spouse relies on when asking for the termination of their marriage. It does not mean the parties will see eye-to-eye on important matters like spousal support or property division.
When these proceedings are uncontested, it means the two parties agree on the major issues in the case. It allows them to move quickly to bring the case to a close without the costs and delays that come with litigation.
Different factors will ultimately determine how long it takes to resolve a divorce under the no-fault category in Austin. There are many potential disputes that might arise over standard issues like alimony and child custody. When these issues cannot be resolved amicably, it could be months or even years before the final order is ultimately issued.
There is a minimum amount of time it might take, too. A judge handling a divorce must wait at least 60 days from the date the petition was filed before they can grant. In other words, even couples who are entirely on the same page about the terms of their divorce must wait at least two months before they can finalize things.
Bringing your marriage to an end may be a stressful prospect, but the good news is that you don’t have to do it on your own. The right legal counsel could advise you on how to avoid conflict while protecting your rights. Reach out to an Austin no-fault divorce lawyer right away to learn more.